Some Stinky Stories…

This post could also be subtitled “A Bully Mom” and “Hating Change So Much, We Keep Hurting”.  Alas, I will tell you why:

This week started with Jack still having some remnants of a flu that’s going around…as a good and conscientious mother, I shoved an Advil down his throat and from the process of swallowing a pill, he hacked up what I call a “throat booger” but others call a tonsil stone.  This is what I consider a momentous occasion…being someone with an acute sense of smell, I was like, “Oh, Jack, you gotta SMELL this!”  And so, I foisted upon my two youngest children, the smell of death that just escaped from Jack’s throat.  Seriously, how can that smell be in a throat and not make every word that Jack speaks make people fall over dead?

The smart and sane one in the bunch, namely Adrianne, started flying WAY beneath the radar because she knew the power of my persuasion (which will come to be known in the future of this story as bullying).  I compelled her to come: “A, seriously, you gotta smell this….you would never guess that such a disgusting smell could come from something so small and obscure”.  Her reply, “No…I don’t want to”…just made me all the more persistent.  This back and forth continued until I literally shoved the throat booger under her nose and her face climaxed in a face of pure disgust and hurt.  She ran upstairs and I was left with only the realization that I had just bullied my kid into smelling something utterly disgusting.  What just happened??? (I was musing to my friend Jess the other day that some people keep their kids at home to avoid bullies and I have to send my kids to school to avoid bullies….nice).

By God’s grace, what followed was forgiveness and restoration, but it took some time.  I had to ask a couple times, to which Adrianne told me she wasn’t ready to forgive yet.  Finally, she opened those doors and I was more than thrilled to run through them.  I was struck by the power of forgiveness and what can rush through once two people are at that point.  Who knows what can happen when forgiveness flows…?

Second stinky Story:

Cast pictured here is not the actual cast...forgot my camera!

Megan got her cast off last week. (Side note:  her arm still looked pretty jacked up, but after numerous opinions, it seems that there’s a good chance for “le-modeling” [Thai for “re-modeling”] and that it will straighten itself out).  What I thought would be a very celebratory occasion turned into a consistent whimpering the whole way home.  As she sat and cradled her arm, Megan whined about how she “wished she still had her cast”.  That stinky, smelly, disgusting cast?  How could she still want that?  She had grown attached to something that protected her pain and shielded hurt….what was meant only to restore was now lovingly looked at as a necessity.  She wanted to stay in restoration mode instead of being healed and free!  Oh my…she petted her arm, which was now weak and tender, sensitive to every whiff and touch…she was being forced to move on and she didn’t like it one bit.

A raunchy cast was more appealing to her because it provided what she thought was protection.  She wanted a state of “stuckness” more than freedom.  How true of so many aspects of our life, and especially pain and sorrow.  We know the way out includes some really raw vulnerability that eventually leads to strong freedom, but we grab that smelly protection and pamper our weakness.  We trust in visible decay more than gritty faith in the consummate Healer.

God help us.  And thank you, Lord for teaching me so much through my nose.

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The Parables, Food & Friends…whew!

What a week…I told my friend that I feel like we’ve been feasting Old Testament Style…for days and days!  Forget dinner parties..we’ve been going strong for what seems like a week of festivities and there’s more to come tonight.  We are so blessed to have such full and fun lives!

My brain does feel a bit like roadkill…teaching all week made me realize (a bit too poignantly) that my intellect has been on summer vacation.  How did I ever think I could be a college professor?  I feel like I need a brain massage!  What a delight to share and teach these students…I didn’t think I could love the parables more than I did, but I do…another testament to God’s Word being active and living!

The thrust of my teaching came from the many cultural thoughts that Kenneth E. Bailey speaks to in reference to the incredible speeches that Jesus gave and the implied stunned faces that would naturally have resulted because of His words.  After living in the Middle East for over 40 years, Mr. Bailey opens up the Parables to an understanding I have yet to see rivaled.  Every bit of what he writes is worth reading, though you have been forewarned about brain spasms! 🙂

Ultimately, of course, it is Jesus’ words that pierce the heart and soul.  His disdain for loveless “righteousness”, His great love for sinners and His encouragement to His disciples engulfs the span of all people, so no one is left untouched.  Neither the lawkeeper or lawbreaker can escape His grasp.  His justified anger is swallowed by grace.  He is so good.

As a testament to His great love, we celebrated “decadent” style here in Thailand (chee$e, pecan$ and $trawberrie$ were involved!)…God, we celebrate your amazing love that “brings us back and causes us to repent” (Ps 23:3) and your unbelievable longing patience for/with us!.  You alone are to be praised!

No feast is complete without Snickerdoodles!

Beef in that's a treat!!

God is so goooooooooooood to us!

The finished product! (minus the blueberry pie amazingness and banoffee pie!)


Thanking God for his Great Love that FINDS us!

Thank to all of you – for your great love and support to keeps us here training Kingdom Leaders!

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If you take three Rathmells to school….

Well…they did it…they went to school!  In fact, I have to go pick them up in a scant 20 minutes, so this blog will be brief, or at least, rushed!  I remember that from their last “traditional school” days…now I am a woman who is run by times/appointments, etc.  I have to actually answer my cell phone because that’s the only way the school can reach me!  I have had to climb down from some ledges that homeschooling creates, the chief one being that I’m the king of my castle when I’m the sole person caring for my kids education.  Wow!  There’s seems like so many people involved now!  And, it’s good…the other slight “downer” is death by paperwork.

Agh! What goes where???

I LOVE the kids teachers…they are wonderful and I can’t wait to love on them and encourage them as they help disciple our children.  We are so blessed.

Last week we thought we would lose a cat…9, count them, 9 tapeworms got vomited up by Shadow.  He did that animal thing where they go off and hide…thought he wouldn’t live to see another day…however…after some worm medicine, he’s back with us and purrs as soon as he sees a human, he’s so grateful…thought I’d help you see just what I mean…

The clump of 9 worms...nice!

Jack comforting Shadow after the upchucking!

Personally, I lost my mind and all boundaries during the first week of school when I gorged on all my free time…if anyone said, “Let’s get together”, I was like, “Sure!”.  There were days where I didn’t even have time to sit down and live out what I’ve been dreaming/lusting after the whole time I was a homeschool Mom…FREE TIME, NO KIDS, NO WORRIES.

This week, I am teaching the DTS students five parable of Jesus…loving that…God’s Word will preach and convict and compel.  I really don’t have to do much, I just get to watch God do His thing.  Today we talked about the Great Banquet…we are compelled to come dine and cannot participate from a distance….good stuff.  Jesus’ words can heal, inspire, and lovingly correct at the same time.

Gotta run…Megan can’t ride a bike yet because of her cast, so I have to go pick her up…Friday, God-willing, she should be cast-free!

Love you guys – Jen


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The End of an Era…

Well,  tomorrow morning marks the official end of this season of homeschooling.  The big first day o’ school arrives at 7:45 a.m.  The kids are excited and happily nervous…I’m happy for them.  The Lord gave me a sweet time of reminiscing this morning during worship at church on this time of our life…we didn’t do homeschooling perfect…but we didn’t screw up our kids for the rest of their educational lives.  If I was grading me, I would heartily give myself a solid B.  We did it!  We might do it again!  Who knows?  The more I think about the education of our kids, the more I think about how strongly I need the Lord to lead me.  I am so thankful for this time of homeschooling…our kids have learned to love reading books, and if it took two years straight of reading books to them for that alone, I am beyond thrilled!  (Jack loves me reading to him, but still..there’s some love there, and that’s what counts!)

Cute picture of the kids the night Megan broke her arm...awww!

Good thing she's left-handed! 🙂

The 2nd week of DTS was full of exciting ministry opportunities…our students are helping at a cafe where they are getting to know young Thai people and tell them about the hope of Jesus.  One of our students, Caity, is a horse guru/whisperer and she is working with a hippotherapy ministry here…they LOVE her…said she “has been sent from heaven to us!!”  They already have her training two horses and want her to help every day!  I love when God plunks us down right in our sweet spot!  One downer was that Nathan L. headed to the hospital after a losing battle with dehydration and some mysterious illness.  He’s out of the hospital and doing a lot better…on the mend and we will be glad to have him and Megan back with us.  Thank you for your continued prayers over these young people.

A small, silly part of our lives…at night, a whole bunch of big ole’ (crunch when you step on them) ants come out to play.  They are jerks!  I thought I would take a picture of one of them crawling up our wall with a bird feather…(compliments of the cat).  Despite their serious gnarliness, I was reminded of all the good things that Solomon had to say about ants…despite their size…they can do great things!  Every time I crunch one, I am training myself to remember that God can do great things through little ole’ me!

Seriously..where does this ant think he's going? Grrrr...

Lastly, for the dear nerd friends I have out there, I thought I would include the books we read over the summer, in case you need some ideas:

By Andrew Clements:  (I picked these because they’re all about school and thought I should give my kids a heads up!)

1. The Report Card

2. Week in the Woods

3.  No Talking

4.  Lunch Money (favorite of all these was No Talking)

5.  Frindle (fun book!)

By other authors:

6.  Magic Half (Good – but watch some of the language…probably favorite book of all summer)

7.  Lemonade War (again – language stuff)

8.  Socks (Beverly Cleary – fun, silly book about a cat…really, nothing more than that)

9.  Horse & His Boy – C. S. Lewis

10.  Sammy and His Shepherd – Seeing Jesus in Psalm 23

11.  The Saturdays (we just started this series – shout out to Shannon Stark!)

And that’s it from the Homeschool Nerd…tomorrow I’m the “Kids-go-to-school” Nerd.  Signing off!

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Food + People = Changed Lives!

From its earliest beginnings, this is what has embodied so much of Cadence ministry…Of course, we know that it is so much more than that, but it continues to be a platform which Cadence Missionaries dive off regularly into a pool of hope and transformed, Gospel-centered living.

This morning, as we hosted our Discipleship Training Students and Staff to a succulent American breakfast, I kept finding myself filled with delight at the privilege we have to give temporal food and drink to people and watch God turn it into living water and life-filled Bread. As I watched these dear ones, I was struck by how privileged we are to be entrusted to shepherd and love these people. Here are young college students, ready and waiting to take life by the tail and they have slowed down intentionally and long enough to hear from God and discipline their souls with His truth. We are so blessed.

Saturday Brunch at the Rathmells!


Shout-out to Tesco for the half-price strawberries from America!

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DTS – Week One and no broken bones for 8 days…

Just checking in with everyone…we are almost finished with our first full week of our Cadence Discipleship Training School…it’s been so great, full and we are blessed with the greatest group of people here…every time I interact with any of these students, I am blessed, encouraged and well…humored…there’s never not a funny and/or meaningful moment.  How wonderful is that?  🙂

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning from 8:45-10:00, all of us meet at our house and go through a book/Bible Study called Gospel Transformation.  Buddy and I have found this to be the best, Gospel-centered teaching tool we’ve come across…it is put out by World Harvest Mission…we can’t recommend it enough, but it’s hard work…and revealing work, so watch out.


While I’m pimping books out, thought I would let you in on my favorite book right now…especially as I’ve been experiencing this “prolonged teaching time” from the Lord…I asked my dear friend Jessica to send it with one of our DTS Students and have been reading it and re-reading it (for me personally) but have begun reading it to my kids again as well.  This great children’s book has truths in it that have ministered to me greatly in the last 10 days.  The kids and I are writing poignant things down from each chapter (which translates into each verse in Psalm 23).  The first four are:

1.  I can be content (Because the Shepherd is taking care of me!)

2.  I can’t rest if I’m:  1) hungry 2) irritated 3) fighting with other or 4) afraid

3.  God knows that I need most

4.  God can lift my soul out of discouragement.

We got to verse five but then everyone of us started fighting (see point 2) and I thought we should stop for the day…complete meltdowns often occur when I’m teaching my kids the Bible…go figure…grrr…

Anyhow…this is the book and if you buy it from this link, I think we make 5 cents.  🙂

Lastly, the funny stuff for the day.  Now that I’ve started working out again, I have discovered another reason why dryers are the best appliance ever…10 minutes on the elliptical made me realize that the sun does some serious damage to elastic around your “drawers”…I had a moment of great dismay while I was nigh unto running…I think I need to go shopping and SOON.

And there you go…more from the peanut gallery.  Love you all!


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What just happened?

Yeah…feeling a lot like a truck ran us over last week and we were completely out of commission for half of the week!  On Tuesday night before dinner, Buddy remarked that it would be nice “to have a relaxing evening” before DTS officially kicked off the next day.  People should batten down the hatches when someone says that and lock everyone in a padded room…it was just moments later when Buddy was jumping the kids on the trampoline and Megan landed on her right arm in a “compound fracture” kind of way.

After a series of misplays…we went to a government hospital at first where we were initially told that she would need surgery, but then they backtracked and gave it a cast and “hoped for the best”…a friend wisely told us to go to the “Foreigner” hospital and get a second opinion…they did surgery the next morning.

Finally on her way to surgery - 2 days later!

Megan did a great job…the hospital was fabulous…they treated Megan sweetly and she acted like getting put to sleep was no big deal, along with getting an IV two times…she’s a trooper…especially for how bad of a break it was…it made me queasy just looking at the X-ray.

Right after she got released from the hospital, we made a run for the Burma border…4 hours one way and 14 of us in a tricked out pick up truck so that we didn’t go past our 90 day visa allotment.  (On the type of visa’s that we’re on, we have to leave the country every 90 days).  So, off we went, headed into Burma/Myanmar, spent about 1 hour there and walked back over the border into Thailand.

Heading into Burma

Our Burmese "guide" who showed us around the Market for a small fee

If Satan was out to distract us, he did…we felt super disoriented…confused about which decision was the right one for Megan and for our trip into Burma…all on the cusp of the beginning of our Discipleship Training School….Please continue to pray for us, our students and the things that God wants to do with each heart and soul during our time together.  We began our intense Bible study called “Gospel Transformation”, a tool we’ve used before that looks at the Gospel and how it not only saves us, but continues to transform us for all of our lives…it’s rich and full of God’s tremendous grace and love for us.

And so…we’re back in the saddle…praying for less exciting week, but thankful to God for His care for us…

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Thai Love Ballads and other things silly…

I left off last blog post with the news that God has been placing his thumb on some not-so-beautiful parts of my heart…and to be honest, it has continued.  I’m usually quick to repent and get back to believing and acting out that I’m God’s favorite (sorry, it’s a “baby of the family” thing I never outgrew), but He has been really elongating this process…overly busy in pointing out some junk.  For all of this, I am grateful, in a pain-loving kind of way.  But…drum roll, please….ah…today was a reprieve from the heavy hand of the Lord and I know this because I am feeling F-U-N-N-Y!  All sorts of comedy material going on in my head today and if you feel like indulging on the small, hilarious things in my life, please read on.

To start, I am a big fan of 88.5 FM here because this is clearly the station where they play love songs all day.  It is also the station I turn to when I need to feel good about my Thai studies…you see…love songs are universal…they use words like “always”, “love” “someone” pretty much all the time and they sing it slowly.  Perfect.  Finally, that summer in the 1980’s with Richard Marx in my swanky walkman is paying some serious dividends.  I get the gist of it all and sing along when I catch a word I know.  If God can use a lonely summer of Richard Marx to further His Gospel, then whatever it is that other people are needing help with is chump change.

Next…and I’ve been meaning to mention this for awhile…I don’t know what it is that the USDA is doing in regards to meat in America, but whatever it is…they got it goin’ on….and this is why…whatever their magic act is to make meat NOT smell should be marketed and brought over here.  I imagine if I took a long, investigative glance at the USDA, I would probably disagree with a lot of what they do, but right now, I’m handing out some serious props to their ability to package and de-smell meat.  And then…get this…I find out today in Thai class that the word for “Stinky” is “Men” (falling tone).  Really…this country just keeps on giving me more hilarious material.

It’s so bad that after walking through the meat section, I congratulate myself with a donut sugar twist and diet coke on the way to the checkout.  This is necessary to undo the men-raunchy meat smell connection… a must have.

Props to the United States Department of Agriculture! I celebrate you weekly!

And lastly, while this is not funny, we are on our third iron since getting here (Now that I have my wonderful dryer, it won’t be so overworked…come to think of it…maybe they break in America that much too, but we don’t know because we are a dryer-loving people…).  Hoping that this one will last us at least through the year…we are averaging a new iron every 2 months.  WHAT??

And that, my friends is it for today’s ridiculous monologue of what goes on in my brain…Thank you Lord, for the fun reprieve!


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Here we go…people are coming and going…plans are being made…Cadence Discipleship Training School officially kicks off next week and more people will be arriving.  Throw in a visa run to Burma for our family and we should be rocking and rolling by August! 🙂

Angela Velker is here to lead the female side of DTS…(I still want to focus primarily on my little “Rathmell DTS”).  I am struck as we study Timothy in our house church and the sweet legacy that Timothy was for Paul, that in so many ways, Angela is our “Timothy”…having known her since 7th grade, we are blessed to have her as one “entrusted to teach” the Gospel of grace to others.  Having her here is such a blessing.  Also making a cameo appearance was Kate Cooper, our former colleague in Okinawa, who is finishing up her Masters in Applied Human Rights. She came to work out Stop Slaverys’ vision for ministry here in Thailand for her final thesis.  Kate and Ang were giddy musical introverts together and it was about as cute as cute can get.

Jack said that Ang looks like a gangster in this picture!!

We so enjoyed their overlapped time here last week.  Kate has headed back to Europe to consider what God has for her.  Of course we’re praying that God says, “Move back in with the Rathmells, you dummy!”, but we’ll wait and see on that.

12 hours after Kate left, Nathan and Megan LaGrave, newlyweds who are venturing their first 6 months of marriage here arrived.  After admitting that Buddy, Ang and I all stalked Megan’s facebook page before we met her, we made formal introductions and already love her!  As Ang said, “We would expect nothing less from Nathan’s pick of single, godly women!”  Great job, Nate! 🙂

Nate and Megan joining the Stop Slavery team!

So…that’s the ministry update!  We are always overwhelmed by how much God has given us in the way of very wonderful, God-fearing, hilarious and amazing friendships…we are so blessed.

Thanks for all you do to keep us out here..we are so grateful!

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Independence Day and Beyond…

I know what it’s like to get behind on this…I remember why blogging can be ditched…you get so behind and then you think…ah…”what’s the use”…but, here I stand…back in the game…

We celebrated a wonderful July 4th here in Thailand…the consulate threw a fun party for all Americans…full of all things USA – bouncy castles, games, burgers, pizza and Miguels Mexican grub (which SHOULD be in the USA, but is thankfully located here!)  We had so much fun with friends (our former co-workers from Okinawa were even here to enjoy it with!) and Buddy even got himself into a Magic Panda suit and tormented friends who didn’t know it was him.

I have mentioned before that living here has made me more patriotic than ever…having lived around the military for so long, we find ourselves more aware than ever of the unique privileges we sometimes take for granted as Americans.  I couldn’t wait to celebrate those things that I often took for granted this year.  I was especially struck by our blessings when I casually asked my Thai teacher if she was ever planning on going to the US…She looked at me as if I asked her to solve the theory of relativity.  An absolute blank stare and she proceeded to tell me that 1) It’s too expensive, 2) She couldn’t get a visa even if she tried and 3) She couldn’t get a passport because of reason number 1.  Wow.  I was speechless….I’ve been traveling around with my little blue passport since I was an infant.  To think that she never even considers (for her LIFETIME) coming to America, made me realize (again) how unbelievably blessed and privileged and rich we are.

On a personal note, the more recent days have been remarkably filled with two very distinct NO’s from God.  I think it’s so funny that we often say, “I just wish God would tell me!” because I don’t really enjoy it when God does do that but the answer is NO.  What I really wish for is Him to say very clearly, “YES” to all my fervent and casual requests of Him.  It has been a good discipline to remind myself of the things I believe about WHO He is and HOW He views me.  As I told my friend recently, confident and guilt-free people sometimes need a divine kick in the teeth and I think I was due.  Neither of those requests to God were hugely life-changing, but they were No’s nonetheless and I’m realizing how much I don’t like being told “no”.  So, pray that I would continue to remember His grace and trust Him for the plans He has for me.

We’ve got new visitors and Angela Velker arrived this morning to begin helping shape up the DTS that begins in less than 3 weeks…things are starting to get happily busy and fun!

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