Monthly Archives: December 2005
Arisa Adam’s Memorial
Arisa (on the left) with Olivia on the Cell Group Retreat last month. We had some heart wrenching news on Friday before Christmas. One of our students was killed in a car accident. We gathered about 25 of her friends together last week and let them share memories and cry together. In a few minutes … Continue reading
The Deed is done
There was a vicious murder in our house last night. As we were falling to sleep we heard the sweet sound of “SNAP!” and Buddy went running. I of course was frozen in bed with my heart beating a thousand miles an hour. There was a lot of desperate squeaking and then Buddy finished the … Continue reading
A mother asks me…
So I am walking out of the gym this morning and a mother asks me, “Do you know what you do is so important?” I responded with a nod, “I do” “O.K.” She said, “I just want to make sure you hear how important all the things you do are.” I know that Generals, Doctors, … Continue reading
Cat and Mouse
So…we had this cat for about 1 month before it decided life on its own was better. We haven’t seen it in 3 weeks and we’re all sufficiently over it except that… NOW WE HAVE A MOUSE IN OUR HOUSE. The only time we have ever had a critter in our house is this winter … Continue reading
The Real Tree is Up
In case anyone wondered/forgot what it’s like to have toddlers help decorate your tree…Jack was happy to hang about two ornaments and then he was off to play with cars. Adrianne was by far the most diligent and helped the whole time. The trees made it to Okinawa from the US and it’s my most … Continue reading