Monthly Archives: February 2006
The One Another Commands
Woops. I didn’t create the link correctly the first time. This is just a word document with the references for the one another commands from scripture if you would like it. You can right click on the link and download it now.
Extreme Life Together
I am preaching tonight at Project 196 (a new service specifically targeting 18-30 year olds here at Kadena) about Life Together. The title comes from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s work, Life Together. Below is a link to a 4 minute video clip that is really powerful about Life Together. Together Video Not related to my message … Continue reading
Pledge to Purity
Last night we hosted a Pledge to Purity Banquet for about 85 students and 200 people altogether. It was a great night to give students the opportunity to think about their future and make a committment to remain sexually pure until marriage. Our speaker had each of the students write a letter that to their … Continue reading