Monthly Archives: September 2007
[photopress:house.JPG,full,pp_image] Well we have an apartment now. Jen was hoping we could get a house but it was going to be pretty expensive to get a house and we couldn’t get one in a location that we liked. God worked it out so we could have an apartment that is reasonably priced, right next to … Continue reading
Jack’s Snake
[photopress:snake.JPG,full,pp_image] This was actually before we left the states. We had a couple of garter snakes come through the yard. Jack gave one to his older friend Peter and he kept one for himself and finally let it go. Thankfully we haven’t seen any on this side of the ocean. 🙂
I can’t believe how fast life has been flying by. We have had a few curve balls since landing on island but we have definitely had the Lord going before us. Life has been fast but it seems like our family is doing well and adjusting back quickly. We now have internet at home so … Continue reading
The Sky
[photopress:sky.JPG,full,centered] I had forgotten how beautiful the sky often is here in Okinawa. So far we have been blessed with beautiful sunsets, a huge full moon, a lunar eclipse and a dark sky that ended up soaking me as I was driving my friend’s motorcycle yesterday. The transition back to Okinawa has been very good. … Continue reading