Monthly Archives: July 2011
What just happened?
Yeah…feeling a lot like a truck ran us over last week and we were completely out of commission for half of the week! On Tuesday night before dinner, Buddy remarked that it would be nice “to have a relaxing evening” before DTS officially kicked off the next day. People should batten down the hatches when … Continue reading
Thai Love Ballads and other things silly…
Here we go…people are coming and going…plans are being made…Cadence Discipleship Training School officially kicks off next week and more people will be arriving. Throw in a visa run to Burma for our family and we should be rocking and rolling by August! 🙂 Angela Velker is here to lead the female side of DTS…(I … Continue reading
Independence Day and Beyond…
I know what it’s like to get behind on this…I remember why blogging can be ditched…you get so behind and then you think…ah…”what’s the use”…but, here I stand…back in the game… We celebrated a wonderful July 4th here in Thailand…the consulate threw a fun party for all Americans…full of all things USA – bouncy castles, … Continue reading