What a week…I told my friend that I feel like we’ve been feasting Old Testament Style…for days and days! Forget dinner parties..we’ve been going strong for what seems like a week of festivities and there’s more to come tonight. We are so blessed to have such full and fun lives!
My brain does feel a bit like roadkill…teaching all week made me realize (a bit too poignantly) that my intellect has been on summer vacation. How did I ever think I could be a college professor? I feel like I need a brain massage! What a delight to share and teach these students…I didn’t think I could love the parables more than I did, but I do…another testament to God’s Word being active and living!
The thrust of my teaching came from the many cultural thoughts that Kenneth E. Bailey speaks to in reference to the incredible speeches that Jesus gave and the implied stunned faces that would naturally have resulted because of His words. After living in the Middle East for over 40 years, Mr. Bailey opens up the Parables to an understanding I have yet to see rivaled. Every bit of what he writes is worth reading, though you have been forewarned about brain spasms! 🙂
Ultimately, of course, it is Jesus’ words that pierce the heart and soul. His disdain for loveless “righteousness”, His great love for sinners and His encouragement to His disciples engulfs the span of all people, so no one is left untouched. Neither the lawkeeper or lawbreaker can escape His grasp. His justified anger is swallowed by grace. He is so good.
As a testament to His great love, we celebrated “decadent” style here in Thailand (chee$e, pecan$ and $trawberrie$ were involved!)…God, we celebrate your amazing love that “brings us back and causes us to repent” (Ps 23:3) and your unbelievable longing patience for/with us!. You alone are to be praised!
Thank to all of you – for your great love and support to keeps us here training Kingdom Leaders!
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