Tagged With: God
And the answer is…(Part 6 of 6)
Good thing I’m done with this montage of thoughts on the blog…after what I’m about to pull, you may need to take a break… Whenever someone asks me the simple question, “What are you going to do…”, a weird little radar goes off…things like, “I’m not sure”/uncertainty, “I don’t care”/apathy, “Go to Disneyworld”/relief all kind … Continue reading
Vulnerability Stinks…Part 2 of 6
After reading about getting swindled in Beijing, now you get to hear the rest of the story… As we continued our trek to Tiannamen Square, I could not shake how foolish I felt for being taken…it is not often, as adults (at least if you put forth a small effort toward wisdom) where we are … Continue reading
Giving birth to 20 year olds…
I’ve been wanting to blog about this for some time…today seems like as good a time as ever… When I was young and people started talking about babies (a conversation I usually steered clear from) I often said with great bravado, “I would be willing to go through a tremendous amount of labor to give … Continue reading
The End of an Era…
Well, tomorrow morning marks the official end of this season of homeschooling. The big first day o’ school arrives at 7:45 a.m. The kids are excited and happily nervous…I’m happy for them. The Lord gave me a sweet time of reminiscing this morning during worship at church on this time of our life…we didn’t do … Continue reading
Food + People = Changed Lives!
From its earliest beginnings, this is what has embodied so much of Cadence ministry…Of course, we know that it is so much more than that, but it continues to be a platform which Cadence Missionaries dive off regularly into a pool of hope and transformed, Gospel-centered living. This morning, as we hosted our Discipleship Training … Continue reading