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Two Kings and their Birthday

Posted by on December 1, 2011

Wow…the last post was about Vietnam…why does that feel like years ago?

Life got really fast upon our return visiting the DTS team – thanks to the generosity of so many people in Okinawa, we had about 50 pounds of American candy that had to be distributed to lots of people and I took the opportunity to throw a Fall Festival with a few of our was so great – so many kids throwing bean bags and dunking their head in a bucket for apples.  I even learned to face paint and figured out one thing I could do well, so that’s what everyone got! 🙂

Just after returning, Buddy and I finally pulled the trigger on our housing situation.  Through a series of not-so-honest exchanges with our landlord, who had assured us that he was only selling the house to people who were looking for an investment – we realized that our days at that house were numbered.  So, another great house came up and we jumped…meaning that in a week, we were going to be in a different house.  Our church folk and some paid Thai laborers made the move pretty easy…we are slowly getting used to the new quirky things in the house, but overall, we remain very blessed to have such a great house.

Under the stairs storage...

Carport full of junk!

Clearly, kitchens are not the "selling" feature that they are in America!

Buddy wanted to take pictures of how we couldn't pass each other in the kitchen, but there was no one to actually take the photo!

Today the kids at Grace celebrated the king of Thailand’s birthday.  Actually, they’ve had celebrations all week – and December 5th (his actual birthday) is a national holiday.  Every student was in the Elementary courtyard and after singing to the King of Kings, they sang the “Happy Birthday” song to the king of Thailand…it was really pretty, reverant and required by the Thai Ministry of Education! 🙂  The patriot in me rose up on its heels…I must say…being raised in a country that ditched monarchy’s a long time ago came back to haunt me and I was glad for my kids to be a part of revering and honoring positions…something that have mostly lost in America.

Getting ready to release the balloons - The tall blonde is Mrs. McCoy - Adrianne's 5th grade teacher.


Jack's teacher and class - I think you can maybe see Jack's face if you look hard enough.


Just after releasing the balloons!

So pretty!!

Ok – gotta run!  Thanks so much for your constant love and support of us – we are so humbled, grateful and giddy!

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