Well, we finally did some good ole’ fashioned suffering for Jesus…anyone who has a latent, underlying idea that missionaries have to suffer, then we can finally satisfy you! Our water was out for 1 1/2 days…the house was starting to smell, and so were its inhabitants! 🙂 Just a few minutes ago it came flowing through the pipes…ah, what a glorious realization.
This week will finish up our next to last week with DTS students before they head off on the outreach phase of this school. They will be in Cambodia for one month and then head to Vietnam for another month…today is ending with a non-stop reading of the entire New Testament. They are in hour #8 as I write…
God provided a sacrificial bird to keep everyone awake during this morning’s reading (yes, this blog has a subtle theme of dead animals)…all of a sudden a bird misjudged the window and went sppplllllaaaaaaat! and ended up in the aforementioned fish pond.
And now for the big news…(if you made it this far)…not everyone knows that next Saturday we start our trek back to the Motherland, OKINAWA! Way back in February, there was a ridiculous sale on Air Asia, and we purchased $50 tickets to Tokyo. It works great with our need to get out of the country because of the type of visa we have. We used frequent flier miles to get to Okinawa and back. We will be there from October 17-25…we are so looking forward to being in the place and with the friends we love so dearly. So much for that suffering for Jesus stuff…
We love you all – Jen for us.
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