Tagged With: Buckles
‘Tis So Hard to Trust in Jesus….
I love the hymn I am parodying with this title (is that sacreligious…a parody of a hymn?..my Dad is broken-hearted, I’m sure!). The truth is that while it’s “sweet” as the hymn really says, well…it’s equally hard. Thankfully, I have about 25 years of history under my belt of trusting Jesus…but lately, I’ve been reminded … Continue reading
Categories: Uncategorized
Tags: 15 Minutes, Buckles, Dad, Havoc, Hymn, Little Heart, Math Paper, Mom, Nice Guy, Parody, Pavement, Penchant, Physical Resistance, Recess, Soccer Field, Soccer Player, Steady Diet, Trust In God, Trusting God, Trusting Jesus
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