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Preaching In the Hills

Posted by on March 31, 2011

Here are some pictures of my recent trip to Ma Kae to preach to the Karen Hill Tribe People in Thailand near the Burma border. The video below is in the truck on the way so you can get an idea of what the roads were like.

The Village of Mae Ka where the conference was held that I was speaking at.

The new church building. I was here last year when they were just putting the pillars into the ground and they have already had to expand the church once and are getting ready to again.

This is part of the crew that made the meals.

Eating Breakfast

Preaching in Ma Kae. Ahead of time I was told that the theme verse was from Isaiah 60:1. About 30 seconds before I got on stage Boonshu told me, “Oh it looks like the theme verse is actually John 15:8.” I knew it was the Vine passage but was still reading the verse on my way onto the stage for the opening session to see how I could connect it to my message.”

One of the District Women Leaders that made me the shirt I am wearing.

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