Okinawa, Japan

Well I guess the biggest news since we got here is the fact that we are pregnant.  We found out the day before we left from the states.  We are looking forward to being parents in another 7 months or so.  Jen is really hoping that she has twins so that she has to go through this morning sickness things as few times as possible.  Everyone has advice for her on how to get rid of the morning sickness.  The thing that has been working for her is to eat first thing in the morning and taking some vitamins.  She is feeling a little better now but mornings are still tough for her.  On the right is one of our teammates, Karla.  She is pregnant as well and is due in June so we will be having little bambino's at the same time.


Our first order of business upon arriving in Japan was to take care of my broken guitar case.  It was cracked on the bottom and it actually cracked my guitar a little as well.  It still plays fine though, at least for as well as I can play it.  The good news was that they gave me a $100 in Yen.  We took the money and tried our hand luck at a Japanese MacDonald's.  I thought I ordered a double cheeseburger but I didn't communicate well enough I guess, and ended up with a double burger.  On the right is Caleb, our child of the week.  He is Todd & Karla's oldest child.  I remember Karla talking about wanting to adopt a child from Romania when I was in High School and a couple of months later God brought Caleb into there lives.  This past week Caleb brought a lively 1 year old dog into their lives.  So far the dog has claimed my indoor soccer shoes and our check book but other than that she is a great dog.


Many churches in the states now have a digital sign at the front of the church that pops up with the number of child that needs it's mothers attention.  At our chapels here on base they have a sign that lights up when the alert force needs to assemble.  We spent a couple of nights with Jaime since her Mom is back in the states on Emergency leave.  One night she and Heather cooked us a great meal of Curry Chicken and rice.


Our first Sunday here was a combined service for all the Protestant services here on base.  The ground was soaked since it rained right up until the beginning of the service.  There are five Protestant chapels here on base and we have to decide which one we will attend.  So far we have been to three of them.  This base is blessed with a great chapel staff which has made our job much easier.  They want to see kids come to know Lord just as much as we do.  Zach is the cutie on the left.  He is Todd & Karla's youngest.  We saw his performance downtown this week.  He has been attending a Japanese Christian school since he was three and this past weekend was his Spring Performance.  Because he is blond the their is a Japanese modeling agency that has him model a couple of times a year.  They are using that money this week to take Zach to Disneyland in Tokyo while they work out all the details for our Spring Break trip with the Sr. Highers.


This was the first performance that Jen and I saw and we were blown away.  The kids were in the equivalent of kindergarten and it was amazing how well they played.

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